Last month I wrote about the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. There are many more fraternal organizations represented in the Lodge Room and I thought it would be interesting to research some of their histories.
The Masonic Lodge – The original Masonic Lodge was founded in June of 1717 in England from guilds of stonemasons and cathedral builders. Their teachings are morality, charity and obedience to the laws of the land. The Masonic Lodge was founded in Hartney in Sept of 1893.
In 1895 they officiated in laying the corner stone at St. Andrew’s Anglican Church
1905 they moved into the lodge rooms on the top floor of the old Town Hall. We have a piece of the original carpet from that room as well as the furnishings and pictures.
1957 Built the cairn in the park
Dec. 1977 they dissolved.
Avondale Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, a subsidiary of the Masonic Lodge was founded in May 1907. We have many pictures of their members and a number of their aprons.
The Orange Lodge was founded in Ireland in Ulster in 1795 as a product of the rivalry between the Catholic Irish and the Protestant British. Protestantism and being male were necessary attributes for membership. They provided mutual aid to their members who were ill or unemployed as well as assisted their widows. Mulvey Orange Lodge was established in Hartney in Jan of 1892 and ceased to exist in 1966. We have many of their hats and robes in the lodge room.
Order of Foresters was formed in 1834 as a mutual organization caring for the sick. Originally membership was gained by combat using quarterstaffs, cudgels and swords. That practice was abandoned in 1843. The Canadian Order of Foresters setup an insurance co to extent insurance benefits to the average working family. In our area, in 1982 this lodge originated in Napinka. In 1945 it moved to Lauder. It raised funds for building the Lauder, Rink, the Hartney Hospital and the Lauder Hall as well as many other community events. In 1995 it was forced to amalgamate with the Minto Lodge and not long after ceased to exist.
What’s happening at the Museum?
The virtual tour has been filmed and the initial results look outstanding. You will be able to find it by searching Hart Cam Museum in the next few weeks. A Soldier’s Wish is available at the Civic Centre and the Coop Store in Hartney. I was remiss last month in not thanking Ginny Hardy, Claris Isabey, Karen Barrows, Lorna Peake and Barbara Lee for cleaning the museum.
What we are looking for at the Museum
If you are wanting to tour the museum, please call Dawne McKenzie at 858-2071, Barb Lee at 252-2358, Jack and Eleanor Vandusen at 858-2064 or Pat Phillips at 858-2127. We are looking for people with interesting stories of Hartney to be interviewed for memories project.